March 3, 2014 Regular Meeting

The City Council met in regular session on March 3, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:

Mike Peterson
Shelley Dumas
Wes Lester
Beryl Grant
Brian Lorentz
Scott Winkler

City employees present were Chief Drew, Attorney Green, Public Works Director McFrederick and Clerk Kennedy.

MINUTES:  The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the February 18th meeting were approved as presented by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilwoman Grant.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  The Fire Department submitted a written fire department report to the Council.  On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson to accept the Fire Department Report for January and February.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

The ADA Committee met on February 27, 2014 and discussed parking on Main Street and low hanging branches over sidewalks.  Idaho Statute says there needs to be one ADA parking space for every 35 parking spaces in a block in the downtown area.  The Council discussed creating a downtown area from College to Meadow.  There was discussion where ADA spaces could be placed.  The Council directed Attorney Green to draft an ordinance specifying the downtown area for next meeting.  Then the ADA Committee will have a proposal for the Council on ADA parking spaces

WWTP CONSULTANT:  Public Works Director McFrederick stated the contract with Larry Annen needs to be terminated as per his discussion with Larry Annen.  Larry is at retirement age and he is not familiar with all the new processes at the plant. McFrederick felt it would be better to contract with someone more familiar with the equipment.  McFrederick recommends using E-3 Consulting as Jason is familiar with our equipment and he has already been providing us with information when the City has had questions.

On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Lorentz to terminate the contract with Larry Annen at the WWTP and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Jason Wereley, E-3 Consulting.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION MANUAL:  Public Works Director McFrederick has been working on a manual since he started at the City to guide people in the right direction when constructing things in town.  The manual will be kept at City Hall for the Council to review from now until next meeting.  Comments should be provided to McFrederick.

SNOW REMOVAL:  The City has a problem with citizens pushing snow out into the street instead of keeping the snow on private property.  Lynn Ray submitted a letter of complaint, asking the City to create an ordinance correcting the problem.

Councilman Lester questioned what to do with the snow.  Sometimes you pull it out and then push it back onto the property.  Other times the snow is pushed across the street and left on the side or in the right of way.  He felt the residential property is harder to deal with than the business district.    Additional discussion occurred but no proposals were made at the meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:26 P.M.

Bruce Walker – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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