May 2, 2012 Special Meeting

The City Council met in special session on May 2, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:
Del Houger
Mike Peterson
Brian Lorentz
Shelley Dumas

Councilmember by phone:

Wes Lester

Councilmembers absent:

Rob Bentley

City employees present were Attorney Green and Clerk Kennedy.

Mrs. John Rockwell asked permission to bury her husband John on private property at their house in the City limits.  A few years ago, she remembered reading an article in the paper about the Council considering a law for burial in the City limits; however she never heard any follow up and assumed nothing additional occurred.  She recently found out it is prohibited in the City limits.  She would agree to a vault and a restriction on the property deed to move John at their expense if the property is sold in the future.  She never would have asked if she lived at one of their previous homes as the neighbors were too close; however she currently lives on five acres at the edge of the City limits with no homes within 300’ of where she wants to bury John.

Attorney Green stated it would be important to have an agreement with restrictions between Rockwell and the City recorded.

Rob Groom explained that he could be removed if placing in a vault.

Councilman Houger asked the size of the vault?  Mr. Groom explained it is oversized for one casket and then could be easily removed in the future.  Houger also asked Mrs. Rockwell if her intent was to be buried on the property with John at the time of her death.  Mrs. Rockwell explained she would like to be, but it would be up to the kids.

Councilwoman Dumas asked if a burial variance had been granted previously.  The City had not received a request since adoption of the ordinance.

Mayor Walker stated it is five acres, no close neighbors and they would have agreement attached to the deed. It would be a valid request.

Councilman Lester could be in favor of the request if at the time Mrs. Rockwell passes away John would be moved to a cemetery.  He doesn’t like the idea of a family cemetery.

On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson to allow Blanche Rockwell to bury John Rockwell Jr. on their property at 400 Willow Rock Drive until the time that Mrs. Rockwell passes away and then John would be moved to an established cemetery; that he be placed in a burial vault and that Attorney Green would draw up an agreement and attach it to the deed. Motion carried, Councilmen Lorentz and Houger voting no.

Councilman Lester felt Mrs. Rockwell needed to talk to Jeff Blackmer as the cost of moving John could be substantial.

The meeting adjourned at 12:25 P.M.

Bruce Walker – Mayor


Tonya Kennedy – Clerk


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