Grangeville City Council Agenda
May 2, 2022 – 6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
Read and/or approve minutes of April 18th ACTION ITEM
Final action cannot be taken on an item added to the agenda after the start of the meeting unless an emergency is declared that requires action at the meeting. The declaration and justification must be approved by motion of the Council.
1. Steve Clark, 806 S A – Request to keep the two cargo containers on his property while the insurance repair job is being completed ACTION ITEM
2. Mike Tatko and Paul Kimmell, Avista
a. Discussion on Avista franchise fees
b. Presentation and discussion on the Community Survey from November 2019
Committee Reports:
1. Fire Department Update – Brian
2. Public Works Report – Bob
3. Fire Minutes – February 14th and 28th and March 14th and 28th ACTION ITEM
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
1. Adopt Ordinance for a portion of the alley vacation in Block G Northwest Addition ACTION ITEM
2. Discussion on whether to sue Bilejo and Lindsay Klapprich for nonconforming use of property at 1013 N Junction ACTION ITEM
Items to Note:
1. Spring Clean Up Week May 9, 2022 – May 13, 2022
Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.