City of Grangeville
ADA Committee Meeting: May 21, 2018
Meeting facilitated by Angie Edwards-Kuskie, Clearwater Economic Development Association, ICDBG Grant Administrator.
Meeting was called to order at 3:30 pm at City of Grangeville Council Chambers. The following members of the ADA committee were present:
- Lynda Fox: longtime Grangeville ADA Committee member father is wheelchair bound, husband is legally blind.
- Mark Gravatt: Area representative on NCIL (National Council on Independent Living). Active in many regional, state, and national ADA committees. Wife is legally blind, Mr. Gravatt has limited mobility and uses a wheelchair, cane, or assistive braces.
- Mike Peterson: City of Grangeville Representative, City Council member.
Purpose of meeting: the meeting was called to inform the committee of 504/ADA compliance work in progress by the City of Grangeville as a part of their open ICDBG project and to seek the committee’s input on the Transition Plan Updates.
Review of 504/ADA legislation and HUD/ICDBG Requirements.
The committee was reminded that Section 504 of the Rehab act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or activity receiving federal funds. HUD/CDBG requirements dictate that all entities receiving CDBG funds must complete a review of 504 policies and procedures. The City of Grangeville’s status on the requirements as of May 21st are as follows:
– Designate a 504/ADA Coordinator: City Clerk-Treasurer Tonya Kennedy will continue to act as coordinator.
– Complete a 504/ADA Self-Evaluation questionnaire: Grant Administrator and ADA Coordinator have worked on a draft of the updated self-evaluation.
–Create and post a Grievance Procedure: The procedure is in draft pending review by the City Council.
-Adopt and publish a Non-Discrimination Policy – text of policy has been provided to City and will be reviewed for adoption by the City Council with publication to follow.
Review and Update of 2004 Transition Plan and 2013 Updates:
The committee was provided copies of the City of Grangeville 2004 Transition Plan and the 2013 updates. The floor was opened for discussion of the status of these updates as well as new areas of concern.
Re: 2013 Update Item 1: Sidewalk obstructing limbs and bushes: snow removal
Discussion: Mike Peterson noted that in addition to clearing sidewalks, a large issue was the poor condition of sidewalks and cracks that posed trip hazards. Mike informed the committee that sidewalks were homeowner’s responsibility. The City requires that homeowners who complete more than $5,000 of home renovations also repair or add in a sidewalk, but that variances are granted when costs are exorbitant or circumstances make it infeasible.
Recommendation: An “Up to Code” brochure was mailed to residents in 2012.
Re: 2013 Update Item 2: Crossing signal, SE corner of Idaho and Main
Discussion: It was thought that ITD was going to install an audible signal in addition to the visual, but no addition has been made.
Recommendation: none
Re 2013 Update Item 3: Signage at public building entrances and rest rooms
Discussion: Committee member Mike Gravatt brought up the problem of private businesses modifying ADA parking stalls and signage. Mike Peterson noted that as these were private businesses, the City’s role is only to remind all businesses to comply with Idaho Building Code.
Regarding signage at public entrances and rest rooms, the committee agreed that it was adequate.
Recommendation: none
New recommendations:
- Hand railing in front of library. Mike Peterson noted that it had been brought to the City’s attention that the hand railing was not secure.
Recommendation: evaluate and repair/replace as needed.
- Library entrance: the committee noted that the double-door entry way to the library was difficult to navigate for patrons in a wheelchair.
Recommendation: consider installing a buzzer or doorbell to allow patrons to alert library staff for door assistance.
- Pioneer park curb cut: Mark Gravatt noted that people often parked directly in front of the curb cut at the park, making it inaccessible.
Recommendation: paint striping directly in front of the cut to prevent vehicles from blocking it.
- Pioneer Park picnic tables: the committee noted that though the picnic tables at the park were accessible, there was no accessible route to the tables.
Recommendation: as park projects move forward, consider creating an accessible route to picnic tables and stage area.
The committee was thanked for their input and informed that their recommendations would be reviewed by ADA Coordinator for inclusion in the 2018 Transition Plan.
With no further discussion items, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm.