Grangeville City Council Agenda
May 7, 2012 – 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
Read and/or approve minutes of the April 16th and May 2nd meeting
Public Hearing: Building permit double fee
1. Jennie Fischer: Girls Scout Brownies would like to ask permission to mark some of the drains around the City for a water quality project
2. Paul Branson, 402 E North 3rd Street: Request to have a 4’ chain link fence within 50’ of the corner and in the City right of way
3. Greg Smith: Introduction as candidate for sheriff
4. Mike McDonald: Discussion on antennas and towers in City limits
5. Jeff Kutner:
a. Request to have a beer garden at Lions Park during the Ride Idaho Event
b. Discuss Ida-Lew and CEDA representation
Committee Reports:
1. WWTP Project Update
2. Police and Animal Control Report – April 2012
3. Snowhaven Minutes – April 5, 2012
4. Planning and Zoning Minutes – April 23, 2012
a. Decision on the conditional use application submitted by Tonya Moore, 910 Crooks Street
5. Library Minutes – April 19, 2012
Unfinished Business:
1. Update on Ride Idaho – Dumas
New Business:
1. Set May 21st – 25th as spring cleanup week
2. Appoint Jeff McFrederick as the administrator for the Clearwater Community Subdivision
3. Accept the Corp. of Engineer grant and ratify the signing by the Mayor and City Clerk
4. Discuss and accept the bid for the PW Shop wall repair
5. Accept Allwest Testing and Engineering for special inspections for the WWTP Project
6. Request from Skip Hall, GHS boys basketball coach for fundraiser/donation
7. Review and accept the Interim Financing Term Sheet
a. Decision on set up fees: take out of financing or pay upfront
8. Approve transfer of the 2003 Lincoln to the Idaho County Sheriff’s Department
9. Adoption of Ordinance No. 874
Items to Note:
Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.