Grangeville Centennial Library Board Meeting
November 15, 2018
5:00 PM
The meeting was called to order by Brett Rogers at 5:04 PM. Those present: Meleah McCulley, Brett Rogers, Angie Norman, Susan Anderson, Brennan Wright, Gina Sobrero, Heidi Brown. Absent: Amy Farris.
No amendments were made to the agenda.
Minutes from the September 20, 2018 Board Meeting. ACTION ITEM
Meleah moved and Angie seconded to approve the board minutes from September 20, 2018. Motion passed.
Budget Report
Budget report was given and is incomplete because the audit is not complete. The end-of-year budget report will be given at the January meeting.
Library Update
Family Read Week: Find it at Your Library
Family Read Week November 13, 2018 @ 4-5:30 pm. We had a scavenger hunt, I spy bingo, hot dogs, chips, and cake. FoCL has donated a cake and $200.00 for prizes. Also Irwin Drug, E.K. Riley, Cash & Carry, Asker’s, Season’s, Super 8, Gateway Inn, Pizza Factory, Idaho Forest Group, and Larson’s have all donated. Heidi and Gina also went to GEMS on 11/14/18 to help Lynn with the Family Read Week. We donated gift baskets with books and games. About 80 people participated. The GEMS PTO also had games in the multipurpose room and that may have brought in more people.
Grangeville Community Foundation Grant:
Grangeville Community Foundation has awarded the library a grant for the amount of $375.00. This will allow us to purchase supplies for crafts and reading activities for underserved children. We attended annual Appreciation and Award night on Nov 8.
Idaho Library Association Conference: Libraries Rock!
Heidi and I attending the ILA Conference in Moscow ID. We had a chance to attend lectures that included Weeding for Greater Engagement, STEAM in Story time: The little Renaissance Kids, and listen to the Keynote Speaker Emily Ruskovich who wrote the book IDAHO.
GCL Misc. Updates:
We have hired 2 new staff members due to various reasons. Noah Brodhecker and Chloe Dame.
Lapwai Community Library had donated gently used library books and dvd’s to GCL.
Story time attendance has increased to the highest numbers I have seen since Heidi and I have started working at GCL. We get about 17-25 kids every Wednesday for crafts and a story. \
Old Business—Library district
• Meleah presented the information from her research
• She began the assessment phase checklist from the Idaho Commision for Libraries
• Angie tried to call Fruitland on how they created a district, but did not hear back from them. First thing would be to determine the boundary and then talk to people within the boundary to determine whether there is interest.
• Angie found a range of tax rates between $0.25-$0.73 per $1,000 property value.
• Meleah will continue conversation with Emily to determine why it might be a positive to move toward a library district.
• Angie recommended contacting Cottonwood and Whitebird to see if there is any interest within the libraries.
• Gina and Heidi will talk to patrons from Cottonwood and Whitebird, and see if Emily knows of any names of people who were part of establishing the Prairie-River District.
• No action taken at this time.
New Business
• Library Board Calendar—ACTION ITEM:
o January 17, 2019
o March 21, 2019
o May 16, 2019
o July 18, 2019
o September 19, 2019
o November 21, 2019
• Brennan moved that we approve the calendar, Meleah seconded. Motion passed.
• Meleah McCulley board term has expired—ACTION ITEM
o Brennan moved that her term be extended to 2022. Angie seconded. Motion passed.
• Brett notified the Board that he will be stepping down. Other Board members will see if there is interest among members of the community.
• Susan has agreed to extend her term to 2021.
Brett adjourned the meeting at 6:02 PM.