November 19, 2018 – 6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
Pledge of Allegiance
Read and/or approve minutes of the November 5st and November 9th Council meeting ACTION ITEM
Agenda Amendments:
Final action cannot be taken on an item added to the agenda after the start of the meeting unless an emergency is declared that requires action at the meeting. The declaration and justification must be approved by motion of the Council.
1. Silas Whitley – request for access through the watershed or a 10′ easement
- Angie Edwards-Kuskie, CEDA – Kids Klub closeout
- Approve the final pay request, accept the final report and authorize the Mayor to sign the documents ACTION ITEM
- Chad Erickson and Jerry Cloninger, Clonco – request for support to extend 35 mph speed limit zone at Highway 95 and Highway 13 ACTION ITEM
Committee Reports:
- Police and Animal Control Report – October 2018
- Accept the Personnel Committee Minutes of November 5, 2018 ACTION ITEM
- Accept the Property and Insurance Committee Minutes of November 7, 2018 ACTION ITEM
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
- Discuss timber harvest on the Watershed property ACTION ITEM
- Discuss Cross Control Program – Bob
- Discuss letter from Grangeville Highway District on change of classification of roads
Items to Note:
Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.