City Council met in regular session on November 6, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Lester presided:
Councilmembers present:
Mike Peterson
Pete Lane
Amy Farris
Dylan Canaday
Scott Winkler
Beryl Grant
City employees present were City Administrator Kennedy, Public Works Director Mager, Chief Newman and Attorney Jessup.
MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the Council minutes of October 16th were approved as presented by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Canaday. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
PUBLIC HEARING: Walter Steed, WM Steed & Associates stated the hearing was advertised in paper, with the Block Grant project being to place a pump, piping, plumbing and well house at the new well on Clearwater Lane. The beneficiaries will be citizens of Grangeville on water system. The total budget is $2,941,000 and the Community Development Block Grant application is for $500,000. This will benefit low to moderate income citizens. The well has been drilled and the application will be delivered to commerce no later than 17th of November.
VISITORS: Charity Ruhnke was present to request a stop sign at the intersection of Jefferson and S D Street. Based on the number of close calls at this intersection, she is requesting a stop sign. The kids and others don’t stop at S D Street. They are requesting a stop sign on Jefferson. The Police department has been monitoring the area. Councilor Winkler stated it is a busy intersection and he understands the need. Councilor Farris felt a traffic study would be appropriate. It is a T intersection and they should be stopping at the intersection even when they don’t. Chief Newman will report back after the study is completed.
LEGACY BEEF LLC REQUEST TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER WITHOUT ANNEXATION: Clay Groom, Miles & Larry Hatter and Derreck Nuxoll with Legacy Beef LLC were present to request permission to connect to the city sewer system without annexation for their meat processing facility outside the City limits. Miles explained they plan to have a slaughterhouse on the former Bob Rylaarsdam’s property out by the gun club. They are trying to determine if they could pretreat the waste to make it acceptable to take at the plant. They are not planning on long term but they are hoping to get up and running or be able to use it in certain months of the year. They estimate they will have about 150,000 gallons/year which is about 5,000 gallons per week. The solid waste will go to an incinerator. The product going to the plant will be washed down blood that is somewhat diluted.
Public Works Director Mager stated he’s been working on this on and off for about a year. He has talked to the City’s current operator Jason Wereley with E-3 Consulting and Mike Tackett who is also class IV operator. Neither are in favor of taking the waste because of what blood will do in the treatment process of the plant. The City is in their current situation with I&I and the upcoming facility plan to make our necessary improvements. Depending on the I&I results, the city could be close to capacity. Dave Watkins and Adam Rushold with J-U-B Engineers brought it up to Mager when they met on site with Legacy Beef. Mike Tackett explained his biggest concern is BOD (biological oxygen demand) at the plant and how blood affects the BOD. The City has to do 85% reduction of BOD; right now the plants runs 87-95. His concern is if the city takes the blood, it could knock us out of compliance. Mager had recommended they visit with the City of Lewiston or look into land application. The City would like to get our facility plan and temperature issues resolved before considering the request from Legacy Beef. The City won’t finish the facility plan until 2025/2026. Councilor Grant stated the treatment plant has been teetering on the edge of compliance and we have to ensure we stay in compliance.
Clay Groom asked if this would be feasible at some point? Is it something the city would consider, if the correct permits come through? Are they too far out of town for it to even be feasible? Would the city entertain taking their product if the city stays in compliance? If they come up with a way to pre-treat the product, could they get it to the city?
Mager and Tackett stated they were also concerned of a way for Legacy Beef to hold it without it going septic so it doesn’t hurt the plant. As far as location, Legacy Beef would either need a forced main in Grangeville Highway right of way or they would need to haul it to the plant. The forced main would be owned by Legacy Beef. Mike Tackett wants to know what the BOD load would be to the City. Engineers will need to figure that out. Dylan Canaday asked if they went to JUB and got the necessary information to show they could be compliant; would the city take them? Mike Tackett stated with hauling, they would need to be compliant within a certain ph as currently required. Clay Groom stated they would prefer a forced main.
Mayor Lester stated if Legacy Beef could be in compliance and the project would not hurt the plant, then the city would most likely be interested in taking the product. Attorney Green questioned annexation being a condition of water and sewer; however since they are no contiguous, they wouldn’t be required to annex. Mager also recommended they pursue land application to give the city time get the facility plan completed. Mayor Lester stated maybe they could truck to Lewiston for a year or so, then have a proven system of what it will take. The city doesn’t want to shut you down at all, we just can’t take the product right now. In general, the Council agreed that they would be interested in taking the waste if Legacy Beef can meet the necessary criteria.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Administrator Kennedy stated a used groomer for Snowhaven was inspected and is scheduled to be delivered the first week of December. Upgrades to the T-bar occurred. The franchise ordinance was submitted to Avista and is under review. It will go the commission with an estimated effective date of January 2024. The Utility bills for November will have the new water and sewer bonds. The new rates are Water $11/ER and Sewer $7/ER. The Council chose to charge by #$ at the August 15, 2021 meeting.
Water Tank Project Block Grant Close Out paperwork was submitted by Walter Steed. On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Farris to authorize the mayor to sign the Block Grant Fund Request #15 in the amount of $10,792 and sign all close-out documents. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
ONE-WAY PARKING AND RESIDENT ONLY PARKING: Public Works Director Mager provided the following two locations for the Council to review for no parking on this side of the street. The streets are currently posted; however they aren’t listed in the ordinance.
One-Way Parking – The Council felt the current signs need to remain, as the streets are narrow.
• E South 1st from Meadow to Mill
• N Myrtle from Main to E North
On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Farris to have Attorney Jessup draw up an ordinance with no parking as they currently posted. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
Resident Parking Only – Chief Newman stated unless you want to create a permit process, there is no way to determine who is a resident, who should park there, if they are children, a guest or a friend visiting. Attorney Jessup stated you have no right to park in front of your house. There is also, no point in having a sign if the City can’t enforce it. Councilor Winkler felt the resident only parking signs should be removed.
622 E North Street
203 N Hall
412 Court
On motion by Councilor Farris, second by Councilor Winkler to remove the resident only parking signs. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
NUISANCE SUE ERVIN, 306 HILL: Sue Ervin called in to speak on her behalf since she lives in Alaska. She was home for a couple weeks and took care of a lot of things. They worked on moving two of the wrecked pickups and a trailer out to Dales towing and have cleaned up other items. The items remaining are a trailer full of wood, a car and a pickup, all parked in the driveway. Her son Chance just had hip replacement surgery, so he has been unable to get much done due to the pain. Mayor Lester stated it looks a lot better and you’ve made good progress. Councilor’s Winkler and Grant felt it look better and like the property was under control. Winkler felt she could be taking off the list. On motion by Councilor Farris to dismiss the nuisance order against Sue Ervin at 306 Hill Street. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
(Resolution No. 296 in its entirety on file in the City’s Resolution File)
The following resolution was introduced by Councilor Peterson who moved for its adoption. Second by Councilor Winkler.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed. Mayor Lester then declared Resolution No. 296 duly approved and adopted.
CAMAS BODY AND AVISTA EQUIPMENT AT HERITAGE SQUARE: Public Works Director Mager explained a new electrical service was mounted on the wall of Camas Body’s shop which also hangs about 18” into the City’s snow box at Heritage Square. Mager contacted Avista to discuss the new service. Avista didn’t realize the service would hang into City property, that it was in the snow box and they don’t want it plowed in. Mager proposed for the City to pull out the juniper bushes and maple tree in the little island by the city building which would allow Avista to plant a billboard meter in a box or pole and run conduit to the planting which would all be on city property. On motion by Councilor Grant, second by Councilor Farris to allow Avista and Camas Body to place their equipment where the shrubbery island is at Heritage Square so it’s not in the snow box. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
The meeting adjourned at 7:18 P.M.
Wes Lester – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – Clerk