September 19, 2016 Regular Meeting

City Council met in regular session on September 19, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:

Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Pete Lane Amy Farris
Wes Lester
Beryl Grant

City employees present were Chief Drew, Public Works Director McFrederick, and Clerk Kennedy. Attorney Green absent.


MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the minutes of September 6th were approved as presented by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Lane. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS: Sara Espeland reported on the Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF). They received their 501c3 status so all donations will be tax deductible. They have had successful exposure over Border Days and through other fundraising efforts. They have staked the site and the survey is in progress. They are preparing outreach materials for future outreach to communities.

Renee Stevens was present to provide and introduction to the Partnerships for Healthy Communities program. There are eight stakeholders part of the Healthy Communities programs which covers 3 counties. It is a three year grant that they hope is sustainable in the future. They promote healthy living in the communities. They offer free screenings, blood pressure, pre-diabetes screening, mood scores and fit testing. They also offer events for employers so the employees can be screened. They provide referral information in case someone doesn’t have a doctor. They will provide resources for events in the community. They try to access gaps in the community that prevent people from being healthy.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: The department had 29 cases written, 93 citations, 6 written warnings and 137 calls for service for August 2016. The Police and Animal Control Report was accepted on motion by Councilman Lester second by Councilman Peterson. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

Chief Drew provided a written report to the Council on the requested traffic study, due to Syringa Hospital & Clinic’s request to have one way traffic with diagonal parking on West North Street between North B and North C. During the 13 day period of time, that section of street saw 10,016 vehicles with an average speed of 12.8 mph, which saw less than 1% of vehicles out of the 25mph speed limit. After conducting the speed study, Chief Drew concluded diagonal parking would not increase the safety of drivers and pedestrians in this area, but would instead increase the risk to them. Chief Drew visited with Bill Spencer at the hospital to provide them with a copy of the study. After receiving a copy of the traffic study, Syringa has withdrawn their request for a one way traffic pattern. Councilman Lester stated with that much traffic if the City closed the street it would push the traffic out to other streets, including the next street which would take traffic past assisted living housing.

The Fire Department Minutes for July 25th, August 8th and August 22nd, 2016 were accepted on motion by Councilman Peterson second by Councilwoman Grant. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

BILLS: The bills in the amount of $256,988.60 were approved and ordered paid out of their respective funds, on motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VEHICLE BIDS AUTHORIZATION 2016-17: Public Works Director McFrederick requested authorization to go out to bid on a vac truck as budgeted for 2016-17. On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Winkler to authorize public works to go out to bid on a vac truck as budgeted for 2016-17. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council presen.t

Chief Drew requested permission to purchase two police vehicles as budgeted for 2016-17 so the build process can be started. On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Lester to purchase two police vehicles as budgeted for 2016-17, after October 1st. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

LIFE CHAIN SUNDAY: On motion by Councilwoman Grant, second by Councilman Lane to accept Life Chain Sunday on October 2, 2016 from 2:30pm to 3:30 pm. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

ITEMS TO NOTE: Attorney Green isn’t present as he had a school board meeting. Public Works Director McFrederick previously had sent Herman Kaschmitter a letter that said he had to go through the subdivision process for property west of town in the area of impact. He wasn’t happy with the letter. He is now working with Dutch Bros to sell property. He is not allowing the City to flush our new water line and get it up and running; it has been sitting for two years. Mayor Walker said Herman has said he’s been talking to a councilmember and they are for it. As a City we are in favor but the Council needs to advise him to get with McFrederick and follow the procedure required.

Councilman Peterson has visited with the museum and they are willing to take all the Idaho County items. Genealogy wants to keep everything together. Depending what the Library needs to use the room for they could keep the state information in that room or if the library needs it, the conference room upstairs. Genealogy will be meeting with the board wants Board doesn’t want to move.

The meeting adjourned at 8:16 P.M.

Bruce Walker – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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