September 19, 2019 Board Minutes

Grangeville Centennial Library Board Meeting
September 19, 2019

Meeting was called to order by Meleah McCulley at 5:00 PM. Those present: Meleah McCulley, Brennan Wright, Danielle Reynolds, Susan Anderson, Heidi Brown, Betty Nafziger, Gina Sobrero, and Michael Peterson. No one was absent.

Agenda Amendments
Final action cannot be taken on an item added to the agenda after the start of the meeting unless an emergency is declared that requires action at the meeting. The declaration and justification must be approved by motion of the Board.

Jane Eden- Voice expressed concerns about drag queen story hour and books related to gender identity in the library. She represents Idaho Eagle Forum.

Approve July 25, 2019 Board minutes ACTION ITEM
Brennan moved and Betty seconded to approve the board minutes from July 25, 2019. Motion passed.

Budget Report
Gina showed the expenditures through August, but no update for September is available yet. Art in the Park revenue has not yet been reported.

Library Report
Stats show proctoring is increasing. Usage is increasing since school started.
Story Time is back! Events for the month of September and October:
• 9/11 memorial project
• 9/18 apple music box
• 9/25 popsicle scarecrow
• 10/2 Halloween lights
• 10/9 wooden Halloween sticks
• 10/16 Halloween bag
• 10/31 Halloween party
September 17th Valnet and circulation meeting @ Lewiston Library. Dani is willing to volunteer to help with some cataloguing and Gina and Heidi will be getting some training soon.
October 23rd WiFi workshop @ Lewiston Library. Gina will be seeing if the WiFi can be off at night.
October 24th Paula Coomer author will be joining us to have a book discussion. She wrote the book Somebody Should Have Scolded the Girl.
Family Read Week is coming November 12-15. GCL family night is the 15th. GEMS family night is November 14th and GCL will be there to assist. The theme is Adventure Awaits!
The library finished reports for summer reading grants. We will be working on annual reports and starting a new budget cycle.

Old Business
1. Discussion on creating a library district. No updates today.
2. Dolly Parton Imagination Library requires a fee of $2.10 per child each month. That is not realistic for our library.
3. Planning steps for 5-year Strategic plan ACTION ITEM. The subcommittee met. They will plan to meet again before the November meeting. Information will be shared before the next meeting so everyone on the board will have the opportunity to consider it for the next meeting. No action needed today.

New Business
1. Timeline for Board Agenda ACTION ITEM. Anytime items are needed to be added to the agenda, they must be submitted to Gina by Monday before the Thursday meeting. Gina will send a draft of the agenda by Thursday the week before the meeting. No action needed today.
2. Trustee Manual to Dropbox ACTION ITEM. The Trustee Manual is not one document. Items seem to be in multiple documents and not consistently in one manual. Policies are not all organized. Dani is willing to try to sort through some of the old documents to discover if we have a complete Trustee Manual.
a. Susan made a motion to put the documents into Dropbox so the board members may review them and Brennan seconded. Motion passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:01PM

Next meeting is November 14, 2019 at 5PM.

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